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      首頁 > 楚玉音樂 > 樂界解答 >


      ? 2023-08-18 15:10 ? 960次





      英語單詞(英語:English word)是指用于表達英語語言思想和概念的最小單位。英語單詞通常由一個或多個字母組成,可以是名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞、介詞、連詞或感嘆詞等。英語單詞是英語學習的基礎,掌握一定的詞匯量是英語學習的前提。



      1. about

      2. above

      3. abroad

      4. absence

      5. absolute

      6. absorb

      7. abstract

      8. abundance

      9. abuse

      10. academic

      11. accelerate

      12. accent

      13. accept

      14. access

      15. accident

      16. accompany

      17. accomplish

      18. according

      19. account

      20. accuracy

      21. accuse

      22. achieve

      23. acid

      24. acknowledge

      25. acquire

      26. across

      27. act

      28. action

      29. active

      30. activity

      31. actor

      32. actress

      33. actual

      34. adapt

      35. add

      36. addition

      37. address

      38. adequate

      39. adjust

      40. administration

      41. admire

      42. admission

      43. admit

      44. adopt

      45. adult

      46. advance

      47. advantage

      48. adventure

      49. advertise

      50. advice

      51. advise

      52. affair

      53. affect

      54. afford

      55. afraid

      56. after

      57. afternoon

      58. again

      59. against

      60. age

      61. agency

      62. agent

      63. aggressive

      64. ago

      65. agree

      66. agreement

      67. agriculture

      68. ahead

      69. aid

      70. aim

      71. air

      72. aircraft

      73. airline

      74. airport

      75. alarm

      76. album

      77. alcohol

      78. alive

      79. all

      80. allocate

      81. allow

      82. almost

      83. alone

      84. along

      85. already

      86. also

      87. alter

      88. alternative

      89. although

      90. always

      91. amazing

      92. ambition

      93. ambulance

      94. among

      95. amount

      96. analysis

      97. ancestor

      98. anchor

      99. ancient

      100. anger



      1. Greetings:hello, hi, hey, good morning, good evening, good afternoon, how are you, what's up

      2. Introductions:my name is, I'm from, nice to meet you, pleased to meet you, where are you from, what do you do

      3. Asking for directions:excuse me, can you tell me, how do I get to, where is the nearest, is it far, which way is

      4. At the restaurant:table for two, can I see the menu, what do you recommend, I'll have, can I have the bill, tip

      5. Shopping:how much does it cost, can I try it on, do you have it in a different size, can I have a discount, I'll take it

      6. Travel:flight, airport, baggage, hotel, reservation, passport, visa, customs, sightseeing, tour guide

      7. Health:hospital, doctor, dentist, medicine, prescription, emergency, insurance, pain, fever

      8. Education:school, teacher, student, exam, assignment, homework, project, degree, graduation

      9. Business:company, job, interview, resume, promotion, salary, contract, negotiation, deadline

      10. Entertainment:movie, music, concert, theater, sports, game, amusement park, museum, art




      版權聲明:本文內容由互聯(lián)網用戶自發(fā)貢獻,該文觀點僅代表作者本人。本站僅提供信息存儲空間服務,不擁有所有權,不承擔相關法律責任。如發(fā)現本站有涉嫌抄襲侵權/違法違規(guī)的內容, 請聯(lián)系,一經查實,本站將立刻刪除。


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